
About Us

Welcome to the Akua Owusu Afriyieh Foundation (AOA), a charitable organization founded by Hon. Nana Akua Owusu Afriyieh with a vision to provide comprehensive support and assistance to women, girls, and other vulnerable groups in society. Our foundation's main goal is to promote the sustainable living of women by providing them with job creation, skill training, and interest-free financing programs.

We believe in the power of education and aim to assist female children in accessing high-quality education, which is why we have programs in place to support their education and well-being...

Our Mission

Our mission at the AOA Foundation is to provide holistic support and succor to women, the girl child, and other vulnerable groups across Ghana.

We do this by:

• Providing quality education and well-being support to the girl child through our child support scheme

• Empowering women through job creation, skill acquisition, and interest-free loan schemes via our petty traders’ empowerment scheme

• Providing socio-economic support to widowers and widows to help them rebuild their lives through our widower and widows scheme

• Providing requisite care and support to older citizens through our aged scheme, including access to healthcare and social inclusion

• Advocating for the rights of women and the girl child, and generating every relevant support required to improve their lot in society

• Creating an enabling environment that fosters growth, empowerment, and inclusion for all vulnerable groups in our society

We believe that by working towards these objectives, we can contribute to the improvement of the lives of those we serve, and ultimately, help build a better future for all.

Our Vission

Our vision at the Akua Owusu Afriyieh Foundation (AOA) is to create a society where women, the girl child, and other vulnerable groups have equal access to education, socio-economic opportunities, and the support they need to flourish.


At the Akua Owusu Afriyieh Foundation (AOA), our values form the foundation of everything we do. These values include:

1. Empathy and Compassion: We understand the challenges facing women, the girl child, and other vulnerable groups, and we are committed to providing the support and care they need.

2. Integrity: We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all our operations and interactions.

3. Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and partnership to achieve our goals.

4. Empowerment: We strive to empower women, the girl child, and other vulnerable groups to take charge of their lives and create a better future for themselves and their communities.

5. Innovation: We are committed to finding creative and sustainable solutions to the challenges facing our beneficiaries


At the Akua Owusu Afriyieh Foundation (AOA), we are driven by a deep sense of compassion and a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.

We are motivated by the knowledge that our programs and initiatives have the power to transform lives and communities. We have seen firsthand the positive impact of our work, and it inspires us to continue striving towards our vision of a world where everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.

Our founder, Hon. Nana Akua Owusu Afriyieh, is a passionate advocate for women's and girls' rights and has dedicated her life to making a difference in the lives of those around her. Her vision and leadership inspire us to continue working towards our goals and to never give up in the face of challenges.

At the heart of our foundation is a deep commitment to service and a belief in the power of community.


At the Akua Owusu Afriyieh Foundation (AOA), our promise to our stakeholders can be summarized in the acronym AOA, which stands for:

A - Advocacy O - Opportunity A - Assistance

Advocacy: We promise to be a strong voice for women's and girls' rights, as well as the rights of other vulnerable groups in society. We will use our platform to raise awareness of important issues and to advocate for positive change. We believe that every individual has the right to be heard and to have their needs and concerns addressed, and we will work tirelessly to ensure that this happens.

Opportunity: We promise to provide opportunities for women, girls, and other vulnerable groups to thrive. This includes access to education, job creation, skill training, and interest-free financing programs. We believe that everyone deserves the chance to reach their full potential, and we will do everything in our power to provide the resources and support needed to make this happen.

Assistance: We promise to provide comprehensive assistance to those in need. This includes support for children's education and well-being, capital support for petty traders, socioeconomic support for widows and widowers, and care for senior citizens. We believe that everyone deserves to live a life of dignity and security, and we will work to provide the assistance needed to make this a reality.

At the AOA Foundation, we promise to be strong advocates for women's and girls' rights, to provide opportunities for individuals to thrive, and to offer comprehensive assistance to those in need. We are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve, and we will continue to work tirelessly towards this goal.


At the Akua Owusu Afriyieh Foundation (AOA), we take a 360 approach to caring for our stakeholders. This means that we strive to provide comprehensive support and assistance in all aspects of their lives, addressing their physical, emotional, and social needs.

Our 360 approach includes the following:

1. Health and Wellness: We believe that good health is a critical foundation for a fulfilling life. To support the health and well-being of our stakeholders, we provide access to healthcare services, health education programs, and nutrition support.

2. Education and Training: We believe that education and training are essential for personal and professional growth. We provide support for children's education and offer job creation, skill training, and interest-free financing programs for women and girls.

3. Economic Empowerment: We believe that economic empowerment is key to reducing poverty and promoting self-sufficiency. We offer capital support for petty traders and provide socio-economic support for widows and widowers.

4. Social Inclusion: We believe that everyone deserves to feel included and valued in their communities. To promote social inclusion, we offer programs to support senior citizens and create opportunities for social interaction and engagement.

5. Advocacy and Awareness: We believe that advocacy and awareness are critical to creating positive change. We advocate for women's and girls' rights and work to raise awareness of important issues.

Through our 360 approach, we aim to provide holistic support to our stakeholders, addressing their needs in all aspects of their lives. We believe that this comprehensive approach is essential for creating lasting positive change and empowering individuals to live fulfilling and meaningful lives.


At the Akua Owusu Afriyieh Foundation (AOA), we are committed to serving women, the girl child, and other vulnerable groups in any community where our services are needed.

Our programs and services are designed to meet the specific needs of our beneficiaries in the areas of education, socio-economic empowerment, and support. We have various schemes, including the child support scheme, petty traders’ empowerment scheme, widower and widows scheme, and aged scheme, which provide targeted support to specific groups of beneficiaries. By providing access to education, job creation, skill training, and interest-free financing programs, we help women and girls develop the skills and knowledge they need to improve their lives and contribute to their communities.

In addition to our schemes, we also provide monthly packages containing cash, groceries, and other essentials to women and girls in the constituency to improve their lives and that of their dependents. We recognize that many vulnerable groups, such as widows and widowers, face significant socio economic challenges, and we provide bread, soap making, and other livelihood skills training, as well as cash support, cloth, and groceries to help them build sustainable livelihoods.

At the AOA Foundation, we understand that advocacy and awareness are critical to creating positive change. That's why we serve as an advocacy mouthpiece for women and the girl-child, working to generate every relevant support required to improve the lot of women, girls, and other vulnerable groups in the society. We collaborate with other organizations and stakeholders to extend the reach of our services and achieve our goals.

Overall, our scope of operations is focused on creating an enabling environment that fosters growth, empowerment, and inclusion for all vulnerable groups in our society,


At the Akua Owusu Afriyieh Foundation (AOA), we are proud of the impact we have made across Ghana. We have been able to create sustainable and long-lasting change in the lives of women, girls, and other vulnerable groups through our various programs and services. Some of our notable achievements include:

1. Education Support: Our child support scheme has provided quality education to over 500 girls. This effort has helped reduce the number of out-of-school girls and has increased school enrollment.

This will ultimately contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty and improving the economic prospects of the girls and their families.

2. Empowerment Schemes: Our petty traders’ empowerment scheme has provided capital support for over 300 women, enabling them to grow their businesses and become financially independent. Additionally, our widower and widows scheme has provided socio-economic support to over 300 widows and widowers, improving their living standards and making them self-reliant.

3. Aged Support: Our aged scheme has provided support and care for over 200 senior citizens, improving their access to healthcare and social inclusion.

4. Advocacy: As an advocacy mouthpiece for women and the girl-child, we have raised awareness about the challenges facing these groups and advocated for their rights. We have been able to generate support for our programs and services from stakeholders and organizations.

5. Monthly Support Packages: Our monthly packages containing cash, groceries, and other essentials have been able to support over 500 women ,improving their lives and that of their dependents.

These achievements are a testament to our commitment to creating a society where women, the girl child, and other vulnerable groups have equal access to education, socio-economic opportunities, and the support they need to thrive. We are continuously working to improve our programs and services to better serve our beneficiaries and achieve our goals. At AOA, we are dedicated to continuing this journey of empowering vulnerable groups and making a positive impact in our society.


The Akua Owusu Afriyieh Foundation (AOA) relies on the support and partnership of individuals, organizations, and stakeholders to achieve our objectives of promoting the well-being and socio-economic empowerment of women, the girl child, and other vulnerable groups.

We welcome support in various forms, including financial donations, in-kind donations, volunteering, and partnerships. Your support will help us to expand our programs and services, reach more beneficiaries, and create a better future for all.

If you are interested in supporting our work or partnering with us, please reach out to us via our contact section.

There are various ways you can support us, including:

1. Financial support: We welcome any financial donations towards our programs and services. Your donations will go a long way in supporting our beneficiaries and improving their lives.

2. In-kind donations: We also welcome donations of goods and services such as educational materials, medical supplies, clothing, and other essentials that can support our programs and services.

3. Volunteering: We welcome volunteers who are passionate about our cause and are willing to donate their time, skills, and expertise towards achieving our objectives.

4. Partnership: We are open to partnerships with individuals, organizations, and institutions that share our vision and mission. Partnership can take various forms, including joint initiatives, co-funding, and collaboration towards specific projects.

By supporting the Akua Owusu Afriyieh Foundation, you are helping to create a society where women, the girl child, and other vulnerable groups have equal access to education, socio-economic opportunities, and the support they need to flourish. We are committed to accountability and transparency, and we will ensure that your support goes directly towards improving the lives of those we serve.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss any of the above ways of supporting us, and we will be glad to provide you with more information. Thank you for your consideration.