
Being a widowed mom is one of the hardest things I have ever done. No one prepares you to be a solo parent. There’s no one coming to take your children so you can have a break.  No one to help with homework. No one to help make decisions, rules and consequences. You are alone. You are solo. The whole weight of life is strictly on you.


I’ve often thought if I could survive holding my husband as he took his last breath and telling your children that daddy is gone, one can survive anything. But there have been days as a widowed solo mom where I have thought one can’t do this. Widowed women do all activities alone, and still manage to keep the household running. Most of them get exhausted. And there are days they just want to throw in the towel and say I quit.


 AKUA AFRIYIEH FOUNDATION provide multinational programs that builds emotional support to widowed moms. AOA train widows to know that their circumstances have changed and that they have to make the decisions alone so make the best decision as possible.

 YOU have to be both mom and dad


Being a widowed mom is HARD. YES.  There is no play book. That is why AOA is committed to ensuring that we try to be each other’s keeper.


Being a widowed mom is HARD. YES.  There is no play book. That is why AOA is committed to ensuring that we try to be each other’s keeper.

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